Other Cool Blogs

Check out these worthwhile blogs:

http://danianddierker.squarespace.com/ for excellent outdoor photography and amazing visuals to describe the outrageous mountain adventures of my dear friends.

http://uneventenor.com/ Sarah’s blog is one of the most unique travel blogs I’ve come across.

https://thisalsatianlife.wordpress.com/ This lady is a very good, funny writer, and she details her experience as an English language assistant in Strasbourg, exactly where I will be this year.

http://youngadventuress.com/ Another female solo travel adventure blog. She’s also one of the elite travel bloggers who’s figured out how to earn a living via travel-blogging. Well-played.

https://thisiseverydayracism.tumblr.com/tagged/US I think everyone should read several news sources regularly! But also important, check out this blog to be more aware about the horrific racism in our world. This can be helpful for anyone on the higher end of the privilege spectrum like myself since I don’t experience racism directed at me.

Not a blog but worth a read:

http://www.salon.com/2013/11/12/the_craziest_okcupid_date_ever/ This was rather inspiring to me…not the date part…but the traveling with no luggage part! I plan to try it soon.

http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/06/30/the-busy-trap/?_r=0 One of my favorite articles I have ever read. I keep re-reading it every few months when I feel I’ve become unnecessarily busy.